Sunday, April 21, 2019

Rhizophora mangle

Red mangrove or 'Red mango'

Tree and Root system

 The seed-like parts - the propagules - are large pre-germinated 'seedlings' known locally as 'monkey whistles'. A single seed germinates inside the conical fruit forming a long narrow first root (radicle), which is green except for the brown enlarged and pointed end up to 1.25 centimetres in diameter. It can grow up to 30 centimetres in length before it detaches from the mother tree and falls. They need a longer period from 16 to 30 months to mature from flower bud to mature seedlings.
Red Mangroves does not respond well to cutting, and are very sensitive. If 50% or half the leaves are removed from the tree then it will die.
The wood can be converted into good quality charcoal and the bark produces high quality tannin which is suitable for leatherwork.


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