Monday, April 22, 2019

Beauty of Mangrove forest

Laguncularia racemosa

White mangrove

Flowers of the white mangrove
Leaf and seed of white mangrove

These are the shortest of the three species (reaches 5.6 meters and a diameter of 30 centimetres) and have un-buttressedroots. This species normally grows in the back portion of mangrove swamps, which remains unaffected by tidal inundation, except during spring tides. The bark is light brown to reddish dark brown, and the leaves are ovate. The leaves have adapted to their salty environment by developing special openings (glands) that allow salt to pass from inside the tree to the outside. The leaves
are then coated with speckled white salt crystals which are what gives this species its name- white mangrove.
Germination is epigeous (the cotyledons - part of the embryo of the seed- of the germinating seed expand, throw off the seedshell and become photosynthetic above the ground) and un-opened seeds are carried up to 4 - 8 centimetres on a slender green stalk. Further, the roots are fibrous, and this species coppices reasonably well. It normally grows in the back portionof mangrove swamps, which remains unaffected by tidal inundation, except during spring tides. 

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Rhizophora mangle

Red mangrove or 'Red mango'

Tree and Root system

 The seed-like parts - the propagules - are large pre-germinated 'seedlings' known locally as 'monkey whistles'. A single seed germinates inside the conical fruit forming a long narrow first root (radicle), which is green except for the brown enlarged and pointed end up to 1.25 centimetres in diameter. It can grow up to 30 centimetres in length before it detaches from the mother tree and falls. They need a longer period from 16 to 30 months to mature from flower bud to mature seedlings.
Red Mangroves does not respond well to cutting, and are very sensitive. If 50% or half the leaves are removed from the tree then it will die.
The wood can be converted into good quality charcoal and the bark produces high quality tannin which is suitable for leatherwork.


Saturday, April 20, 2019


  • Black Mangroves or 'Courida'

Roots of black mangroves

Leaf and flower of the black mangrove

The black mangrove is tolerant of high saline conditions and the trees grow in isolated groups. Individual tree are fairly large and may grow up to 20-25 meters in height and 40 cm in diameter at breast height. It produces seeds in abundance which occur throughout the year.
The black mangrove is the most important and dominant mangrove species in the open mud flats of Guyana. The seed are edible and can be prepared into delicious meals but with caution. If not prepared in a certain way, your meal can be toxic.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Life cycle of a Mangrove tree

        Adult mangrove trees usually grown in large groups, called mangrove forests.

They produce small flowers, these flowers do not generate seeds. Instead, mangrove flowers produce young mangrove trees called propagules.

The propagules remain on the mangrove tree as they grow. The growth stage last for up to 12 months. The propagules fall from the tree and floats on water. It can survive up to 24 months in water. When water is shallow enough, the plant roots in the ground and grow more leaves. As they grow into adult mangrove tree, they start producing propagules and the cycle continues.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Importance of Mangrove forest

Mangrove forest are extremely productive ecosystems that provide numerous good and services both to the marine environment and people. They are distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical oceans of the world
They can grow only on shores sheltered from wave action otherwise the seed would never be able to ground properly and put down roots.

 Home for various variety of fish, crab, shrimp, and mollusk species. Mangrove forest form a strange mixture of marine and terrestrial organisms and have been suggested as pathway from land to sea.
the forest also serves as nurseries for many fish species including coral reef fish. Large number of marine invertebrate inhibit the prop roots.
Terrestrial organism show no special adaptations for life in mangrove forest

The dense root systems of mangrove forest trap sediments flowing down rivers and off the land. This helps stabilizes the coastline and prevents erosion from waves and storms. By filtering out sediments, the forest also protect coral reefs and sea grass meadows from being smothered in sediments.